Welcome to Trinity Early Learning Center Where Learning is Fun!

Young learners in our program are prepared for kindergarten and school success through age-appropriate focus on personal/social, intellectual, physical, and spiritual development. Our curriculum includes strategically designed lesson plans to meet the needs of every student.

Whether a child is learning to take their first steps, or writing their name for the first time, our fully qualified, caring, and loving teachers will be ready to celebrate, enrich and expand on those special moments!

We emphasize the importance of learning about the world through "Jesus glasses." Our biblical worldview approach to teaching about the bible is implemented throughout everyday activities. Weekly chapel is offered for children ages 3-5 years.

Care Available for...

Waddlers 12 months -24 months

We focus on

  • Language skill development through books, songs, lullabies, and daily conversation
  • Multi-sensory approach to learning
  • Social skills through showing affection, engaging in interactive imaginative play.

Toddlers 24 months - 36 Months

We focus on

  • Language skill development through books, songs, lullabies, and daily conversation
  • Toilet training
  • Multi-sensory approach to learning
  • Social skills through showing affection, engaging in interactive imaginative play.

Preschool (3-4 years)

We focus on

  • Fostering independence
  • Encouraging cooperation and communication skills
  • Pre-writing, reading and math skills
  • Large motor skills through active movement indoors and outdoors

Pre-K (4-6 Years*)

We focus on

  • Honing problem-solving skills
  • Large motor skills through active movement indoors and outdoors
  • Emphasis on Language and Literacy, Mathematics, and Science
  • 21st Century Education skills
    • Critical thinking
    • Collaboration
    • Creativity
    • Communication
  • Social/Emotional maturity to foster positive community relationships

*Age 6 entering kindergarten next fall


Our goals here at Trinity Lutheran Early Learning Center

To provide the opportunity for each child to learn about him/herself to develop self-respect and a positive self-image.

To foster the innate ability to live in community by engaging children in collaborative learning.

To work in partnership with parents to maximize student learning and development.

To instill the importance of learning through play. Every learning moment counts!

To create experiences and opportunities that invite exploration and discovery.

Our Distinctives

State accreditation through Early Achievers

Large outdoor area

Healthy snacks provided

All teachers and administrative staff have degrees in Early Childhood Education

Individualized lesson plans and assessments

Biblical Worldview Integration

Trinity Early Learning Center


Karen Curtiss

Director Karen Curtiss

We Operate Year Round!

Monday - Friday
7:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Call Us

(253) 535-2699 




Our Location

12115 Park Avenue South
Tacoma, WA 98444

USDA Nondiscrimination Statement

In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

Trinity Early Learning Center