Feeding, Growing, and Preserving at Trinity

Food Pantry
We are concerned for our neighbors’ needs. Trinity's food pantry is open three days a week:
- Tuesday 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
- Friday 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
- Sunday Noon – 2:00 PM
Due to a high volume of clients and less donations, we are limiting clients to eight visits per month. We also have a home delivery program for those unable to come to the Pantry.
COVID-19 Concerns: Masks are recommended, but not required.
We partner with the Emergency Food Network and several area farms to provide fresh, healthy food. Follow this link to learn more about EFN. We also partner with the Center for Food Preservation and with Soup 'N Ladle, and are very grateful for their delicious offerings.
Pierce County provides seniors (age 60 and above) who meet specific eligibility requirements with up to fourteen free microwave meals a week. These meals are delivered to the client’s door at no cost. The first step is to call Pierce County Aging and Disability Resource Center (253)-798-4600. Once you are registered, you will be able to order meals from a fair-sized menu that includes heart healthy, gluten-free and diabetic options.

Gardens Of Edible Grace—Community Garden
Welcome to Trinity’s Community Garden!
We were started several years ago by Trinity member Kurt Scearce and his Concordia Christian Academy high school students. Over the years we have added several more beds, a hoop house and are pleased to say, in 2023 we added a handicapped accessible raised bed, making a total of eighteen raised beds. Many thanks to our local Eagle Scouts and all who helped with adding the new beds and replacing those that were beyond repair.
The garden is used by community members and our food pantry. Our goal is to provide a place to learn about gardening and have fun growing things. If you are interested in using a bed for a growing season, please contact the church office (office@trinitylutheranparkland.org). Bring out your inner child and let’s dig in the dirt!
Come and visit. Sit by the pond, read a book, enjoy the growing plants, butterflies, pollinator bees and hummingbirds.
All are welcome and if the Spirit moves you feel free to pull some weeds.

Preservin' For the Hungry
The Center for Food Preservation Arts.

Lutheran World Relief (LWR)
Natural and human-made disasters affect hundreds of millions of people each year, and the number of people at risk growing by 70–80 million annually.
The world’s poorest suffer most acutely, since they have the fewest resources to prepare for a crisis and to rebuild afterward.
LWR’s emergency operations are designed to address the most urgent and basic needs of these communities — including women and children, who are often the most vulnerable — while also promoting sustainable recovery and building resilience to future disasters.
Here at Trinity, we support the LWR Mission in a number of ways:
For more information on Lutheran World Relief, visit their website at lwr.org.

Trinity Lutheran Church Women (TLCW) holds two annual fund raising bazaars, one in the Spring, the other in November. A silent auction, “nearly new” items and vendor tables are offered. All proceeds go to charitable organizations.